New cuff material. Keep it silver or make it black? Thoughts?

We’re testing a new cuff material proving to be better and likely to be used on next year’s boots.  It cuts better on the laser; the edges are smoother; its surface is better, and; it sure seems to be more durable and less susceptible to edge cuts.  No-brainer right?

Well, yeah, it’s an easy decision to use the material.  But, it ain’t black!  What do we do?  Do we go with the material in its natural silver state as shown? Or do we go through all kinds of machinations to make it black?

So I’m taking a poll.  Do you like it?  Love it?  Hate it? Don’t give a darn?  Let me know.



  1. Jason Densmore says:

    It doesn’t strike me that the Dodge Boot was intended to make a fashion statement. If it works better, do it. From what I can see in the picture I like the silver anyway.

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