Where I'm From:
Dallas, TX 75225
Where I Like To Ski:
Crested Butte, CO, Aspen, Co
I've Owned My Dodge Ski Boots For:
2 to 3 years
How Many Pairs I've Owned:
What First Attracted Me To Dodge Ski Boots:
Light weight - Consistent flex - Performance - Technology
What Helped Me Make The Final Decision To Purchase:
Light weight - Consistent flex - Performance - Technology
What I Like Best About My Dodge Ski Boots:
The consistent flex, both fore-aft and lateral, and the fact that the fore-aft flex can be softened without altering the lateral flex is a great feature for me. I am a 75 year old man who has skied for 50 years. I began skiing in Henke buckle leather boots. I don’t know how many pairs of boots I have owned over the years, but I have owned a lot. I have a narrow foot and have always had difficulty finding a good fit without winding up in a plug boot that was really too stiff in the fore-aft axis for me. My current set up of the Dodge shell and Zip-Fit liner is the best that I have found. Dodge was very good about punching out hot spots around the ankle bones. The Zip-Fit has taken care of the narrow foot problem. Dodge has been very responsive in dealing with problems I have encountered. The past season I broke a sole plate on one boot. One phone call to Bill Doble and a replacement arrived via FedEx. Dodge service is superb. I would especially recommend Dodge boots for older skiers.
What I Like Least About My Dodge Ski Boots:
The only real problem I have had has to do with my narrow foot. The stock liners were too wide. All available were tried. The Zip-Fit solved the problem.
What About The Boot I Would Recommend To A Friend:
Light weight - Consistent flex - Performance - Comfort - Warmth - Feel - Custom Fitting - Customer Service - Satisfaction Guarantee - American-made
What I Would Tell Someone Considering A Purchase Of Dodge Ski Boots:
For my money Dodge is the best ski boot you can buy. I have not used the current fitting system. Therefore I cannot comment on it. From reading about it, the current system is much improved from the one I used.
If I could define Dodge in one word:
What I Like About The Dodge Remote Fitting System:
Satisfaction Guarantee
What I Don't Like About The Dodge Remote Fitting System:
Sometimes have to send boot back for additional adjustments - I need to do the final adjustments at home
How It Is To Deal With People At Dodge Ski Boots:
Great, I love them!
What It's Like To Ski In A Dodge Ski Boot:
Unbelievably great!
How It's Different Than A "Rubber" Boot:
The difference has to do with the material and the construction. The carbon fiber composite does not change stiffness with temperature. The fore-aft flex can be softened without altering the lateral flex.
Would I Purchase Another Pair?:
Why/Why Not?:
See reasons stated above re material and construction.
Precision Rating:
Power Rating:
Feel Rating:
Comfort Rating:
Warmth Rating:
Appearance Rating:
Quality Rating:
Durability Rating:
Fit Rating:
Pricing Value:
Skiing Enjoyment:
Overall Rating: