Here’s another screen grab from the upcoming T-Bar Films’ video for Dodge carbon fiber ski boots. David Dodge even surprised his father with his backcountry ripping. As the saying goes, “You have to earn your turns.”  Seems like the light weight, power, control and comfort of Dodge Boots gave David a pretty high return on Read More…

We can’t resist sharing these screen shots from the upcoming T-Bar Films video featuring Dodge carbon fiber ski boots in the Vermont backcountry. We thought it sounded pretty good when Tyler Wilkinson-Ray told us about the shooting sessions last winter.  But now, looking at the shots, we realize his description was a major understatement. And, David Read More…

Here’s a screen shot from an upcoming T-Bar Films video featuring Dodge carbon fiber ski boots in the backcountry. David Dodge (son of Dodge Ski Boots co-founder Dave Dodge) uses his Dodge Boots with an alpine touring plate binding system.  His set-up is as lightweight as most dedicated AT set-ups and gives him a lot more Read More…

While not as impressive as David Dodge’s sprint up Mt. Whitney, we are pleased to see John Doble making a quick trip to Mount Mansfield, the highest peak in Vermont today, wearing his DODGE carbon fiber ski boots T-shirt. Keep `em coming boys!

It’s always great to ride the bicycle to work.  Besides feeling good, you get to see things you would otherwise miss when driving. Today was one of those days, for sure! Riding down the road, something caught my eye.  It was two guys skinning out a big moose. It seems the moose was hit by Read More…

Another milestone at Dodge Ski Boots today. We moved the last of the equipment from our original location (Bill’s barn behind his house in Essex, VT) to our new location at 5B David Drive Essex, VT.  Since the machinery that was left was pretty heavy, we hired a professional crew to handle the move. They Read More…

Yesterday was one of those good news/bad news kind of days. Good news:  It was a spectacular Spring day with lots of sun, snow, partying and fun. Bad news:  It was the last day of the season at our home area Stowe, Vermont. But we sure had fun and celebrated a terrific season, including some Read More…

Johan, who is our newest customer from Sweden wrote: “Back in Stockholm after 4 days of skiing in Trysil, Norway. 100 % satisfied with my new boots! Lighter, snug but comfy fit and they actually make me feel quicker from side to side. Thanks for an excellent product.” Thanks Johan.  Great to have you on Read More…