What a long, but sweet day!

First a visit from Chris & Tom Steinke.  Chris needed a little punch in his heel, but we did some extra things to make sure his DODGE carbon fiber ski boots were at their best for Chris. You should’ve seen Chris jump when Ellen brought out a plate of Christmas cookies.

Then, Warner arrived to do some things on his boots.  It was nice for Chris to meet Warner and vis-a-versa.  Chris & Tom left a little before noon, to head back to Ottawa, and we began in earnest doing some updates for Warner.  We can’t talk about all the tricks, but suffice it to say we’re pretty excited to see how some of the tweaks work for Warner.  The best ones will be passed along to other DODGE Ski Boot racers.

David Dodge (Dave’s son) came over this afternoon for his new boots, then Bonnie came home from a day of teaching, so it was pretty busy in the shop.

We wrapped up after a nice roast beef dinner Bonnie cooked and Warner headed off to visit with Roger Brown before going to Attitash tomorrow for a raced there.

We’ll still be working tomorrow, with at least one racer expected to be here Friday for his boots.

Whew!  I love it.

Here’s a photo Tom Steinke shared with us of Chris and fellow DODGE Ski Boot racer Scott Houser.  We’d love to post any photos you have of DODGE boots.

Thanks and enjoy the new snow.


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